Smaller Development Sites
If you are a developer wanting to build two or more units on a site, then Primesite Homes may be your perfect design and build partner.
We have considerable expertise in the design and build of homes, on both large and small sized sections. Our expertise ranges from standard standalone homes, through to compact infill housing, multi-unit builds, and adjoining town houses.
Our Design & Build Service Includes
- Free on-site appraisal to discuss your design and build requirements.
- Full design and build, customised for your site and budget.
- Full project management throughout the build project, including building consents.
- Regular progress updates and scheduled on-site visits throughout the build.
- PLUS: All new builds come with a 10 Year Master Build Guarantee.
Please Note: We do not handle the actual ‘subdivision’ of your land. Your surveyor will guide you through this process.